Bonnie and Darren’s Engagement

A Beautiful Springtime Engagement

Bonnie and Darren’s Engagement
Makeup: Becky Lau with BeautifulOne Makeup and Hair
Bonnie and Darren are such a cute couple! I had such a fun time doing makeup for Bonnie for her engagement photoshoot and also for your upcoming wedding in July. Bonnie wanted soft smokey eyes and nude pink lips so we decided on a soft peachy and plum brown eyeshadows to bring out her gorgeous blue eyes.
Congratulations Bonnie and Darren on your engagement and upcoming wedding! Special thanks to Rachel Blackwell Photography for sharing these gorgeous photos from Bonnie and Darren’s engagement photoshoot. Springtime is such an awesome time to take engagement photos!

Cherry Blossom in full bloom as a backdrop is incredibly gorgeous!

…..Just like a scene from a romantic movie..

…Just hanging out…

